Hey everyone, for those of you familiar with this poem will come up as written by Risa Jensen, well, that's me, my pen name anyway, I wrote this when I realized I was in Love with one of my best friends. *Sigh* but he graduated already and I don't know where he is. But don't let me get you down, enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mornings Dawn Morning shows its glowing face

As bright as a crystal vase

In what words can I choose to

explain its vibrant show

but to choose not to say but to just let go

though words are the truth betold nothing

would compare to those said by you

to me in truth but I choose not to answer

your plea to me but to keep silent in your company

Though the words not to be

you spoke to me in lights sea of dawning glow

but I love you non the less

in the morning glow

By: Risa Kerii Jensen

Copyright ©2000 Risa Jensen