AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was inspired to write this after watching the movie "Dead Poet's Society". This is what I think was going through Neil Perry's mind before he commited suicide.
I used to think that people cared,
But that is just a memory
Of feelings wrought and feelings shared.
The way things were supposed to be.
I want to set off on my own,
To truly find my destiny,
But I feel like I am all alone,
Unable to find the real me.
My life is not as it seems,
My entire mind is filled with doubt.
Fleeting glimpses of hopes and dreams,
That some wish I could do without.
I want to reap what I can sow,
But I am told what I must be.
It doesn't matter to them that I want to grow,
They care only that I "succeed".
I truly wish to be set free.
I want to die, so it shall be.