A brief summings up. I meant to continue this but, er, stuff happens. You can probably figure it out.
Lyndsey went on to save the world on several occasions from space aliens and very confused poundcakes, adopting several avocados on her way. Mischa became, of course, a multi-platinum selling artist, setting records as the world's richest marshmallow and marrying a piano playing, bucket hat wearing young man.
Rezul established an orange tictac wildlife preserve, dedicated to rehabilitating orange tictacs to life post Matt.
Matt, as it turned out, preferred meatloaf, and went back to Watermelona after a few months. He tamed the meatloaf, adding her to his harem, and proceeded with taking over the world.
Becca, after learning of this through a particularly gossipy tictac, died in a tragic accident involving napkins and board games.
RyoKitten- Here's your shoutout:-D HEY! THANKS FOR REVIWING!
Weapon of Mass Seduction- Course not, it's the "Matt Effect" O.O
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you everyone who reviwed or even just read. It's been fun:) If you liked this, check Hope Insanity Isn't Contagious, because I do believe it's going to be worked on quite a bit;)