Just In
Aphrael PM
Joined May '00

My website: http://

I love to laugh, and I like writing -- and reading. I'm a HUGE fantasy fan, and a major slash writer. What can I say? Two cute guys... gotta love 'em.

June 8, 2013: New chapter of Game Over. The real action starts now! And, uh, I mean actual action, not Devon/Shane type action. Sorry... But hopefully this chapter was worth the wait anyway!

Just to remind you guys, I do have Game Over plotted to the end and hope to finish it (as well as several other projects, including but not limited to Blurring the Line), but I still can't guarantee timelines or prompt updates. I sincerely apologize for those who are still on the lookout for each new chapter!

Amazing art for Game Over done by a wonderful person here: http:///post/67284529532/thank-you-to-aphrael-for-letting-me-draw-the

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