Just In
Edana PM
Joined Aug '01

29th May 2005

I think people think I'm dead. I don't blame you. I think I'm dead too.

I'm twenty (oh dear god), female, currently (and probably always will be ^^;) a student. The only 'hobby' I've had for more than a couple of years is writing, (with the lesser hobby of reading, which I love too) All other talent attempts have failed and / or fizzled out, but I feel wrong when I'm not writing ;p

Anime and manga are a huge interest and source of inspiration for me. My favs (read: obsessions, I have an obsessive nature) currently include Mirage of Blaze, Yami no Matsuei, Demon Diary, FAKE, anything by Miyazaki (sp?) especially Princess Mononoke. I love epic stories, drama, action and exploration of deep human emotion - anything with all is a blessing 'cause by themselves I'm not that interested ^^; I'm also not that drawn to comedy, although the exception (there's ALWAYS an exception) is definitely Gravitation. I'm also drawn to the supernatural. I think these interests are kinda obvious from the kind of stuff that I write!

And then of course there's yaoi / shounen ai ;p

If you wanna read my angel/demon stories (really need a better name than that ^^;) then the order is:

1) Eadoin
2) Fallen
3) Mikaili

I'll probably write something else here soon. Thanks to everyone who reads and reviews my fics!

HIGHLY recommended fics (and authors!!)

Centi the yaoi hime

Especially 'Experiment 17': http://www.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=1180126
and 'Forsaken': http://www.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=1413902

Cinaed Born of Fire

Especially 'The Minstrel Boy': http://www.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=995932
and 'Oistin Leir': http://www.fictionpress.com/read.php?storyid=1202470

And check out my other favourites too!

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