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My Stories 118
North of the Zambezi A Poem about the Rhodesian Bush War.
Poetry: Nature, T, English, Poetry & Horror, words: 149, 8/14/2022
Fools and Firebrands A Poem addressing the Spiritual conception of the Kali Yuga, an age of War, strife, emptiness, Shallowness, Immorality and Ignorance prophesied in many Ancient Cults and Religions around the world. Some modern Scholars believe that Humankind is currently Living in the midst of the Kali Yuga. Despite being a devout, practicing Catholic, these concepts interest me a great deal.
Poetry: Religion, T, English, Poetry & Supernatural, words: 164, 8/14/2022
1 List of Heroes A shorter Poem, imagined to be a kind of Poetic Folk-Song which may as well have sprang up during the Civil Unrest of 2020... Another lonesome product of it's own Age.
Poetry: War, K+, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 214, 8/14/2022
I Will Remain A Poem about Generational Identity, and the struggle of a People.
Poetry: Family, T, English, Poetry & Western, words: 388, 8/14/2022
The Battle of Charlottesville A People's Poem of mine that relates the three-day story of the Charlottesville riots of August 2017. I wrote this piece at a time in life when I was slightly misled, to say the very least. The work reflects as such; still: all Poetry is Poetry, just as all Art is Worthy. It is a product of the division of it's Time.
Poetry: Politics, T, English, Poetry & Angst, words: 420, 8/12/2022
A Templar's Song A short set of quatrains admiring he honorific glory of the Knights Templar.
Poetry: Religion, K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 74, 8/12/2022
The Gods of Moneylending A longer work which reflects on the nature of economic subversion throughout history, and the primary perpetrators of such acts.
Poetry: Politics, T, English, Poetry & Horror, words: 517, 8/12/2022
The Hessian Patriot A narrative poem relaying the tale of a Hessian conscript in the American Revolution who has come to love the American continent since being deployed there to fight for the British. He laments his orders to return to Prussia after the war is lost, yet reminisces on the homely natural beauty he witnessed while in the Colonies.
Poetry: War, K+, English, Poetry & Western, words: 346, 8/12/2022
Ascent of the Censors A poem condemning the vile and Political Business of Censorship of the Arts, a wicked practice, sadly ascending to popularity in high places of Power on Earth once again.
Poetry: Politics, T, English, Poetry & Mystery, words: 243, 8/12/2022
General Lee's Brazen Lament A poem detailing my emotions on the date when a mighty symbol was removed and destroyed in a town where I grew up.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 377, 8/10/2022
Molon Labe A Poem about the Right to Keep and to Bear Arms.
Poetry: Politics, T, English, Poetry & Adventure, words: 271, 8/10/2022
The Patriot's Heart A poem conveying my love for and devotion to my homeland in the American Southeast.
Poetry: Nature, T, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 189, 8/10/2022
Kenosha My thoughts on the events surrounding the shooting of Gaige Grosskreutz, in hindsight and poetry.
Poetry: Politics, T, English, Poetry & Crime, words: 153, 8/10/2022
Freedom Winds and Crying Guns A lovely poem about freedom and revolution.
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 132, 8/7/2022
The Worker Owns the Land Yet another lengthy narrative poem, this one concerning the historical spirit of the American worker. The poem is told through snippets of conversations between important leaders and the various unnamed workmen who made their power possible.
Poetry: Work, T, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 753, favs: 1, 8/7/2022
Ballad of Blue and Gray This is the second long-form narrative poem in the Epic tradition I have actually started and completed. It tells the story of an Irish-American calvary-man in the US Civil War, who embarks on journey of revenge, honor, justice and reconciliation.
Poetry: War, K+, English, Poetry & Drama, words: 1k+, 8/7/2022
Ode to a Palm Rat Another fun poem. This one expresses gratitude for a traditionally vile creature: the Florida palm rat. It's an attempt to prove the existence of Agape love, the actual benefit of which remains up for debate.
Poetry: Nature, K+, English, Poetry & Humor, words: 254, 8/7/2022
American Jerusalem This poetic and patriotic Hymn is heavily inspired by William Blake. It is my first true attempt at Americanizing the Crusader-spirit of Anglo-Saxon Christendom.
Poetry: Religion, K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 180, 8/6/2022
Ode to a Four Loko A funny little poem I jotted down after returning from a party one night without love, lust or spoils: only the memories of the night. It is a quaint and silly thing, but enjoyable I think.
Poetry: Humor, T, English, Poetry & Drama, words: 261, 8/6/2022
Song of the Boogaloo Bois A warlike little ditty for our brave Bois in florals who flexed American armament through the Summer of 2020.
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 358, 8/6/2022
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