Just In
careless whisper PM
Joined Jan '02
How did it come to this?

Well I was born in London and then I proceeded to wreak havoc on the world...oh that's not what you meant? Oh well then never mind.

My last name might sound Native American to you but it's not. I am Lithuanian, Russian, Polish, Irish, Scottish, Israeli, English, and my mother was born in Manhattan. And yes, I have relatives in Japan. As a result believe me I've heard quite a bit. I now live in south Connecticut *grinds teeth and tries not to say anything scathingly rude about Fairfield county* THE BOYS HERE WEAR PINK!!!! ON A REGULAR BASIS!!!! AND EVERYONE HAS THEIR HEADS UP THEIR ASSES!!! *clamps hand over mouth* oopsy?

I'm slightly new-agey myself and I tend to not like rhyming. I can spell and insist on good grammar, but I will make words up every once in a while (it's all in the cadence). I'm a hopeless romantic and realist at the same time, if that makes any sense at all. I am beligerent and I can and will severly bruise your ego if necessary. And no I don't like large dogs...

My age doesn't matter, but my religious attitude does (that means I am an atheist you idiot). I am Jewish in my own way and usually follow a doctrine of non-violence. Physical that is.

My favorite authors are the Brontes, Salaman Rushdie, who sometimes even I don't understand, Barbra Kingsolver, Shakespeare, and Joseph Heller, whom I love to hate. I am currently reading Balzac and the Little Chinese Smeastress. Very good book if you are searching for a reason to continue along the prodigal artistic path. Very affirming even though it's about the re-education of Chinese intellectuals during the Cultural Revolution.

I love movies and am a self-proclaimed escapist. I admire Hitchcock, who though fanatical strikes me as ingenious. I loved Amadeus and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, as well as the Pianist and the Lord of the Rings. I go in for the dark things. I like a few intellectual chuckles rather than slapstick therfore Monty Python and Princess Bride are exactly my thing, but I will put up with Austin Powers. I love Jewish jokes, love them. Odd isn't it? I watch the Oscars and the Golden Globes every year, but I refuse to read interviews with movies stars.

I'm a geek and drama dork and I won a gold medal in the National Latin exam last year...just in case you were wondering. I still play dress up and have a tendency to talk to imaginary late night talk show hosts. In preparation for my big break and all.

I am not opposed to ludeness or bad language. I live for dissent and the truth.

And yet I am still waiting for a masterpiece.

My life is boring but I bet you're interested now. See what big words can do? Cheers!

"Only believers in death will die" - Saul Williams
"If you prick us do we not bleed? And if you poison us do we not die?" - Shylock (Merchant of Venice)
"Mornie alantie" - May it Be (Enya)

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