Exiled-Knight PM
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3 She Walked By by The Magician Joseph
This was the prolouge I did for a longer tale a while ago, I found it in my room the other day, I typed it up, polished it a little bit, and now I'm posting it. It is a statement not so much on relations, but on the nature of desires.
Fiction: General, T, English, Angst, words: 417, favs: 1, 1/3/2007
5Hope by The Magician Joseph
A non-love poem, about the state of humanity, some of the imagery inspired from the book Pilgrim's Progress, about the eyeless ghouls wandering in the fields.
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 144, favs: 2, 7/10/2005
1Bleeding Stars by MuffinQueen
Written with a friend in mind. Um. Yeah.
Poetry: Fantasy, K+, English, Angst & Fantasy, words: 147, favs: 1, 12/27/2004
7REALITY AND FICTION by The Magician Joseph
A poem about a far away land, that if you read it I can take you to it. But beware all is not as it appears. Has symbolism for real life stuff.
Poetry: General, K+, English, Angst & Spiritual, words: 156, favs: 3, 8/4/2004
11Dream Love by JudgementMathew
This poem is dedicated Exiled-Knight cuz she edits 80% of my stuff
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Poetry & Supernatural, words: 102, favs: 3, 7/20/2004
2A Part way Bridge by Helgmelia
This image has stuck with me since I came back from Ireland.
Poetry: General, K, English, Poetry, words: 117, favs: 2, 1/23/2004
4The Exiled Knight by saiya-jinmira
I originally wrote this poem when I had stupidlly assumed that exiledkight was a GUY but he is a she and I repost this story to let you all know that shes a female and thats why her poems are so damn good!BTW R R this poems is different from my others..
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 100, favs: 2, 6/12/2003
3Diary of a Dead Man by iforgot
kind of poetry...kind of prose. -.' PLEASE read and review.
Poetry: Fantasy, K+, English, Drama, words: 402, favs: 2, 6/11/2003
8The Runes of Anglomarr by torrence
Did you ever search for a land that you saw once-a vue d'esprit-and couldn't forget? Ever looked for that place but could never find it? Perhaps knowing you could never find it? My short scribblings on my land of Anglomarr...
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 442, favs: 4, 6/4/2003
2Through The Mind by TokehGecko
What is it that you really wish for in life? Or maybe even outside of life ?
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Spiritual & Supernatural, words: 297, favs: 1, 5/12/2003
10Memory of a Sunken City by Alequinn
My writing may not be much, but this really means a lot to me. Hope you'll have a good read. (helpful keyword: atlantis)
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, words: 218, favs: 4, 5/12/2003
9Eden by wingless
We lie in the trees and let the hot air flow over our naked bodies. She is singing and he is fanning her with his wings. ..
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 196, favs: 2, 5/10/2003
3There will be by Pa-Ja-Mas1
one of those creative bursts you have at the worst times well i had one and i decided to right it down during a test /
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Fantasy & Drama, words: 98, favs: 1, 4/24/2003