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Exiled-Knight PM
My Stories 73
7Complete Fluff Fluf romance that always works, fluffy bunnies, flowers, riding off into the sunset...Complete Fluff mockery of all that is good and fluffy. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary. PG for some questionable references, nothing straight out though.
Poetry: Humor, K+, English, Poetry & Humor, words: 364, 3/17/2003
3Fatal Whisper It was then my life was changed, as a fatal whisper fell into my ear. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Poetry: General, K, English, Poetry, words: 43, 3/15/2003
4The Wallflower A self-portrait. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Fiction: General, K, English, words: 282, favs: 2, 3/15/2003
5Rain There's not really much to describe. You'll just have to read it. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Poetry: Nature, K, English, Poetry, words: 136, 3/14/2003
7Reflections in the Water What would you see, if water reflected not only your reflection, but your past, present, and future? Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Supernatural, words: 279, 3/13/2003
3Shadow Just another shadow;no heart, no soul, no being. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 42, 3/11/2003
3Euphoria just a short little poem i wrote while in a good mood. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 62, 3/11/2003
5Angel with the Broken Wings Nil Desperandum, nothing is to be despaired. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 207, favs: 2, 3/8/2003
7Wings to Fly I was given wings to fly, but fly, I cannot. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 210, 3/1/2003
5The Exile The story of a wanderer of the days of old, the exile. Feedback is welcome, but not necessary.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 160, favs: 1, 2/28/2003
8The Ice Maiden Old tales tell of an Ice Maiden of long ago. This is her tale. Reviews are welcome, but not necessary. enjoy!
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Tragedy, words: 243, favs: 1, 2/28/2003
7In That Moment it's that moment in time when everything just stops, and our fate is laid at our feet. Feedback is welcome.
Poetry: General, K, English, Poetry, words: 110, 2/22/2003
14Arcadia this is a poem about that place, whether conciously or not, we all drift off to. Feedback would be nice, but not necessary.
Poetry: General, K, English, Poetry & Fantasy, words: 123, favs: 2, 2/22/2003
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