Just In
Harmonized PM
Joined May '02

Amy. 25. England. Big family. Loud. Talkative. Affectionate. Over-analytical. Scaredy cat. My Father's Daughter.
Love: Rain. Giraffes. Harry Potter. YA novels. Lip balm. My iPod. Chick flicks/comedies. Nail files. Having curly hair. My Gupalup. Pasta.
: Mushrooms. Spiders. Dry lips. Bad skin days. Weather extremes. Judgemental people. Soap Operas.

One. Current Status:
Finished - A View from the Bridge, Hilton Academy.
Ongoing - Poems; For My Father.

Three. The lovely Jenina over at the SkoW awards recently interviewed me for SKoW Radio (though God knows why.) If you'd like to listen to the interview, visit the SKoW Radio livejournal page and find 'Episode 3 - When Everything is Harmonized.' But be warned--I'm a talker :)

Four. Honourshill is finished. Not for me--I'm redrafting it, editing it, basically torturing myself with it, but for you guys it's all done. I really want to thank everyone who read it, whether they reviewed or not. You readers were very patient, with both it and me, and the constructive criticism I received was the most helpful I've ever been offered. Many of you know that this story was a very personal one for me, drawing from my own experiences of losing my father, and I couldn't have wished for it to be any better received than it was. So many of you just Got It, and Ayah too; that was beyond incredible. So, since it's done, thank you for one last time to every reader of that story--my journey with Ayah isn't yet complete, but I hope the conclusion of it felt that way for you.

Five. Important. It has come to my attention that there has been some issues with plagiarism on the site, with at least one instance of a stolen story being put up for sale on , a self-publishing site. This means that the rightful author and owner of the story in question would find it near impossible, or totally impossible, to sell their story should they want it to be published. Since I have intentions to seek publication of Honourshill (my most popular story posted on this site) once I am finished with the redraft, I've decided it was necessary to take the story down as it's too valuable to risk leaving it up in the current environment. I'm sad to do this because it feels horrible to remove access to the story from the overwhelming majority of readers who would never dream of taking advantage of the work and only enjoying it, but I'm sure my decision is understandable. My remaining stories will stay online, as I have no intentions to seek publication with them, but it disappoints me that those two are the only stories I can risk leaving up, purely because I wouldn't recommend anyone to read them. I'm sorry if any innocent readers had hoped to re-read Honourshill. Should I ever have luck finding a publisher for it once my work on it is completed, I will be sure to post word. Thank you to everyone who supported Honourshill :)

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