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Divertida PM
Joined May '02
Well, let's start simple, huh? The name's Divertida - Spanish for "funny". I guess I chose it because the word has so many meanings: "humorous", "odd",
"strange", "amusing", "absurd",
"entertaining", and the list goes on. I like multiple meanings. Anywho, after being urged on for months by my friends and fellow writers (Escritora and Weasley Girl) to join...I finally have - and I couldn't be happier! I guess I joined because I needed an outlet in order to express how I feel about things (isn't that what writing is all about?). Plus, I want to know how other people like you (yeah YOU!) feel about how I feel. That explains why it's so important (to me, anyway) for you to just stick in a 1 or 2-liner (or more!) in the review section after you've (hopefully) read something of mine. I'm a new writer so the stuff that I put out might be a little shoddy or sketchy or just plain bad! Don't hesitate to tell me that though - all criticism is good criticism! Some of the things I write may be at 1:00 in the morning, free time in class, or something I sit and work hard at - either way, I'm going to keep posting the stuff up here for all of you. If by some odd chance you'd like to know more about me than I've posted here, e-mail me (Winkerbean7@) or Instant Message me (Winkerbean7) - I'd love to hear from ya. Well, for those of you who aren't asleep at this point after reading all of this - thanks in advance for your participation in my little "nook on the 'net"!

AN: I removed the poem about R/H H/H simply because I was ashamed of the quality of it.

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