Just In
BuffLie PM
Joined Jul '02

I'm twenty-five. I'm a pet sitter. I don't write as much as I'd like to. I've finished five "novels" so far and I'm working on a sixth (Three of them are in my five-part YA supernatural series).

In case anyone noticed that most of my stories have vanished, it's because I know I'm not going to be working on them anytime soon. So, in the future, if I start posting a story, it's because it's complete. Otherwise I'd just be posting chapters to a story that would probably never end.

My Date is a short story about a date I had. Yes, parts of it are true. It was such an odd and painful experience that I had to write about it. Plus, looking back on it... it was kind of funny. In a sick sort of way.

If you review me, I'll try to review you back. Well, I will, unless it's poetry. I know less about poetry than I do about fiction.

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