Name: Sa'ida (that's Pakistani, but if you can't pronounce it, then I'm Samantha, or Sam when I'm in the mood.)
Age: 15
Birthday: March 2
LIkes: LoTR, piano, and even more now that I've finished the Tempet. Yes! , acting, writing, drawing, and such.
Dislikes: Falcons (inside joke) peanut butter (gag) singing, dancing, music, incompetence, and dogs. I'm a cat person. Ask Silve, my kitty!
Haircolor: Black, ann I just got red streaks put in it. Yayayayayayaya! And what do you mean, haricolor isn't one word?
Eyecolor: Red! No brown actually, but they have little gold specks in them. Coolio, my Julio!
Well that's all for now~! Later! You useless sacks of crap. hey, I was just quoting Principal Skinner's mother, from the Simpsons. Puh-leeese. Lighten up, dudes!
I have been grounded. Yes, me, Sa'dia, grounded for getting 45% on a test. The PU (Parental Units) are quite queer. I do not appreciate this.