First, some general facts:
1. I'm female *lol*
2. My name is Kerstin *you English-speaking dudes have problems with the pronunciation*
3. I'm from Germany *yeah, I know...* so English is not my first language, forgive my mistakes with the English language.
4. Sometimes I feel like Sushi
5. But mostly I feel o.k. *lol*
6. I'm 17 years old now...feels not that different from 16...*lol*
I started writing last year when a close friend of mine urged me to write a fanfiction on "Lord of the Rings". Just check it out at, I also started an attempt on an English story but hey...I gotta improve my skills!
I got inspired by authors like "Hoellenwauwau", "Heart of the Sword" and "Wonky Donkey".
Hobbies? Of course, I have...especially I love to read. There goes a short hitlist:
1. J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings (read 3 times but I still couldn't get enough)
2. Stephen King - Shining (makes me shiver)
3. Ken Follet - Jackdaws (great book)
I play volleyball since I was 13 years old (yeah, I'm getting old...) and hell, I already have got problems to climb the stairs up to my flat. *g*
With my friends I really love to go to the cinema. I love films and stuff, indeed. So there goes the second hitlist:
1. The Lord of the Rings (great adaption from the book)
2. The X-Men (both films...Alan Cumming kicks ass!!!)
3. Forrest Gump ("Go, Forrest, Goooo!!!!")
4. The Green Mile (gee, that made me cry)
5. Gattaca
What about music? When I was small, I got lessons in playing the keyboard, but I ceased to play years ago. But I still love to listen to music and going to concerts. Another hitlist of favourite bands:
1. Vega 4 (esp. "Better Life")
2. Linkin' Park (esp. "Somewhere I belong")
3. Matchbox Twenty (esp. "Unwell")
4. Coldplay (esp. "Clocks")
5. Reamonn (esp. "Supergirl")
6. U2 (esp. "Elevation")
7. Depeche Mode (esp. "Free Love", also Dave Gahan's "Dirty Sticky Floors"
8. Die Ärzte (esp. "Onprangering")
Some faves on TV:
1. Friends *love it, reminds me of my own friends...giggle*
2. Emergency Room *yummy*
3. Sex and the City *g*
current favourite song: Metallica - St. Anger
current favourite love song: Dave Gahan - Stay
currently reading: Helen Fielding - "Bridget Jones - At the Edge of Reason"
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Thanks to all who review my stuff or even put me to their fave's list, you guys make my day! *a big hug to all of you*
Bored now?
Sorry :p but who forced you to read it? *innocent me*
Perhaps we meet on AIM or ICQ :)
Kerstin xxx
7/30/03 Another haiku's up. I've a thousand things on mind, yet can't express them with least it's not a REAL writer's block. Hm...I think I get out here for a while *enjoying the sunshine...and still waiting for that Metallica record...aaaaargh*
(btw, check out my whole fave's list, these people are truly blessed with talent!!)