Hello, name's Zilindico, 'cause I'd rather not go through the hassle of changing my name and confusing everybody. ^_^
Let's see, information I care to share: I'm 19, I'm a writer (obviously), I go to Beloit College in Wisconsin (boy is it cold out there), I _love_ anime/manga/anything Japan, really, and I write all sorts o' stuff. You're likely to find something of every possible genre in here (though, of course, the fanfiction would be at ), so look around and enjoy yourselves. All you really need to know before you jump right in is that the majority of my poems are persona poems (i.e. not my real thoughts; that goes for summaries, too), a good portion of my writing (mainly stories) is likely to be controversial amongst narrow-minded people, and I sometimes lose interest or inspiration in the middle of writing a novel, so all posted novels except one are incomplete, but there's always hope that they'll someday be finished, but their placement in the list will tip you off as to how likely some updates may be.
Well, that's about all you need to know or probably care to know, so go ahead and get lost within my stuff. You won't be disappointed, I promise. ^_-
2/4/05 Update: Part 4 (Transition) added to Star-Changer. Plus I'll post more poems this weekend, provided I don't become lazy again.
2/26/05 Update: Part 5 (The First Dream) added to Star-Changer, mostly only because I'm sure some people (my friends, mainly) are getting annoyed waiting for new chapters. My excuse is, I've been working on later chapters and developing some storyline ideas for later. SC is getting worked on, just not exactly in sequential order.
4/19/05 Update: After some consideration and a great loss of time, I've decided to stop posting poetry on FP. I write too much and I don't always have time to sit down and post it all. Besides, I already have my own poetry site to run, so it's not like I'm lacking reviews. Anyway, I'll still be posting whatever fiction I write, so feel free to keep reading. Also, a new story, "The Secret Lives of Catholic Girls," is up.