Just In
Catella Estelle PM
My Stories 146
5That Cross Look another Easter poem! Not quite so, this is just an old poem that I found with a picture I drew. Please read and review!
Poetry: Religion, K, English, Tragedy, words: 108, 4/11/2004
3To Say Sorry To let go is a hard deed to do. Why do I have to?
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Drama, words: 158, favs: 1, 3/14/2004
3Afraid Tis about my best friend...or who was my best friend, i guess to say. Why I am afraid for what I feel for her?
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Drama, words: 80, 3/14/2004
3Give Life My friends are my greatest passion in life. Right after writing. This poem is for the Crack Team. Hehehe.
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Poetry, words: 161, 2/20/2004
4A Sonnet of Love Roses Hehe, Well, I decided I wanted to try my hand at sonnets and I read up about them and -this- is what popped out of my mind. Hehe, Love. What a blissful subject. R&R plz!
Poetry: Love, K+, English, words: 146, 2/17/2004
4Just A Smile Smiles can say so much and can be used for so many different things. How do you use your smile?
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 124, 2/15/2004
2On This Valentine's Day And this is my Valentine's Day poem. Hehehe. Tis what V-day is about. At least, that's what it means to me.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance, words: 171, 2/15/2004
1To Mom The poem I wrote for my mom for V-day. Hehe, a way to say 'I love you' without gaining weight
Poetry: Love, K, English, words: 129, 2/15/2004
3The Last Crusader A poem about good vs evil when the numbers are against ya...Hope you read and like!
Poetry: Fantasy, K+, English, Adventure, words: 231, 2/5/2004
3The Art of Loving Hehe, a poem about the love of friends. Gotta love it
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, words: 131, 2/5/2004
2My Wishes Hehe, my wishes for my friends. I really like it. Hope you do too.
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, words: 244, 2/1/2004
3Left Alone No one is ever forgotten or left alone. Sometimes, they just can't see past their sorrows to see the person that loves them most.
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, Angst & Drama, words: 147, favs: 1, 2/1/2004
2That Smile Ever fallen in love with someone because of their smile? Hehe.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance, words: 149, 2/1/2004
5My Say Listening to a lot of a 'stand on my own' songs and watching my best friend...the words spilled out onto a piece of paper and here they are now. Hehe. R&R plz!
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Angst, words: 116, favs: 2, 1/14/2004
1A Ceaseless Flow Sometimes the tears just keep coming and there's nothing you can do to stop them.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Angst, words: 218, 1/8/2004
4Let Me A song I wrote after talking to my one of my friends about his past girlfriend...Just something to desrcibe how he feels. Please read.
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Drama & Romance, words: 290, 1/4/2004
5As I Wait For You My boyfriend and I live 45 minutes apart and I await the day we are reunited again... R&R plz?
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance, words: 161, 12/24/2003
1The Season It's Christmas time! so guess what i wrote? A christmas poem! Tis the season to be jolly, lalalalaaala-la-la.
Poetry: Religion, K, English, words: 106, 12/20/2003
1Thank You Happy friendship poem! This is the stuff you should love! Hehehe, I've been into the sugar bin as Sagey would say. Hehehehe, I love happiness, dun you?
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Poetry, words: 105, 12/13/2003
5Healed On a lighter side, a happy poem about being lost and finding God again. Gotta love that
Poetry: Religion, K+, English, Spiritual, words: 84, 12/13/2003
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