Hellow! I'm sure that you're reading this to find out more about me, right?
19 (You'd never know that by looking at a picture though. v_v() People have accused me of being anywhere between 12 and 17.)
Phycical information:
(No, not measurements, you pervs!) white/native american with auburn hair and swamp green eyes. Not that that should matter, but there are some people who care. Oh, and I have two extra teeth in my mouth besided the origninal 32-34 that most normal people have. That and the natural mark of a black star on the back of my right hand shoulder make me, how you say, unique.
-Standing out in storms with my headphones on (yes, with music playing),
-reading certain shojo manga
-adoring the amazing talents of actors/actresses/directors/song writers/composers but not being a fangirl; I'd sooner shoot myself for even thinking of sinking to that level (apology time to the fangirls, but my sister is a royal fangirl pain in the a* when it comes to Orlando Bloom, Sesshomaru or any other snobby TV persona. It's pathetic! She doesn't know anything about them and she's in "love" with them!?)
-writing and drawing. Note the period.
If you want a story to continue, make sure it's getting more reviews than the others, because I've decided that since I'm putting everything I've been hoarding away for years, I'm only updating on the stuff that gets attention. Sorry, but there's only so much I can do.
I love all sorts of fiction, fantasy and anime stories. I love reading them as much as writing them! And I'm easy to entertain, so drop me a review and get one in return!
I use both personal experiences and preferences in my writing, so you may not like it. But oh well. I'm using my powers of Artistic License. Nyah nah.