Just In
heavengurl899 PM
Joined Oct '02


Wow, I haven't updated this in forever!

So I'm back thanks to my roommate who made me fall in love with this website once again (YAY SAB!)

Check out my favorites, they're seriously the best and if you have a recommendation for any story please let me know...

My philosophy with stories is that: once you read a story, you fully immerse yourself into the plot, falling in love with the characters. If the author is good, the characters become almost life like, they become your friends and you read about your friends life. That's why it's really hard for me to finish a story, because it's like saying goodbye to a friend that you won't see for awhile. Does anyone else see that or am I just crazy?

A good example of a story that really allows you to get involved with the characters is the story "Queen of Glass". With close to 90 chapters, the reader because extremely involved in the plot and with the characters. Right now she's taken it down for publishing BUT below are some of the BEST authors on Fictionpress

My new fave author though is Myrika she's seriously a really great writer and if you're looking for fun, creative and intelligent stories you found the author (she's a reading nut!) I have yet to read all her stories but "Reason and Romance Redux" and "Trouble Starts With a Q" are EXCELLENT stories, you'll love Alex, Adrian, Vaughn, Travis, Devon, Abdullah and, my personal favorite, Quentin Maxwell :D

So enjoy!


Wow...I just finished reading the Ordinary World series by JD Allen who is seriously such an excellent writer. I suggest her stories to anyone and everyone. If you're looking to read some good stories go to the link, no joke!

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