Just In
Stormy Daye PM
Joined Oct '02

I'm Courtney, 26, Torontonian. The first thing I posted here is "Not So Perfect" and although it was well liked and got a lot of reviews (for me at least) when I read it now I can really see a ton of flaws. So if you want to read something a little more recent try "High School Royalty", "Profile", "Delinquent Dating" or "Good Samaritan". Those are my favourites and I'd really like to know what people think of them. Forgive my Canadian spelling, that's just how we do it. ;)

Thanks to everyone who reads anything I have written. If you could PLEASE take the time to review I would really appreciate it. Even if you hate it, I wanna know! Help me become a better writer and I promise I will return the favour as best I can.

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