Just In
BecomingMyself PM
My Stories 15
1 Double D(utch) I just got something to say... What about you guys out there? Tell me about it, please...
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry, words: 145, 12/5/2019
4Gas(p) The continuing saga of my life... After 11 years I am back to where I started... Only the vision became reality... And with that love crumbles... and life? Well, let's put it like this, at times it is breathtaking, isn't it?
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry, words: 73, 5/7/2017
1 In His Name To be or not to be? That is a big and difficult question...Would you be so kind what to find in this work, please?
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 224, 9/9/2007
3 GOlden It is never easy to hide true love...eventhough it is mutual agreed on..and on...
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 109, 11/19/2006
Until Last goodbye to a loved one...see you on the other side, take care...with love! To Joyce...
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 179, 8/13/2006
1So Right, Huh? Well, what can I say? Jealous maybe? Read and you will find out, please...
Poetry: Love, T, English, Poetry, words: 227, 5/10/2006
2Really? Don't be a part of the problem by only criticizing and being judgemental, please help others when they cannot...BE FAIR...
Poetry: Life, M, English, Poetry, words: 140, 3/21/2006
2Weathering Heights I may think I do know much, but frankly I know nothing...inspired by life as it sometimes goes...getting high...or low...read it yourself, please, and move on!
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry, words: 111, 2/15/2006
2Optional Orbit Sometimes when things get too heavy, it is nice to BE somewhere else...; trying to vent...figure it out...
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry, words: 161, 10/6/2005
1Daybreak So now and then we need a break; DAYBREAK...Making love as one always...
Poetry: Fantasy, M, English, Poetry & Humor, words: 147, 8/19/2005
4In mij ...Anders kan ik het niet zeggen...begrijpen zal ik het nooit...uiten kan ik wel...in mij...
Poetry: Love, T, Dutch, Poetry, words: 178, 8/17/2005
1Song and Dance ...Sometimes we try, but can't, and then we don't, so I just say, "smoke gets in my eye.."
Poetry: Love, T, English, Poetry, words: 108, 8/8/2005
2Veil ...I was just thinking...this came out of it...see what you think...
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry, words: 225, 7/22/2005
3Wear and Tear ...When reality bites, oh well, don't want to nag too much, but it defenitely hurts...
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry, words: 87, favs: 1, 7/14/2005
1Daffodils, Do Smile ...Don't wear yourself out, too much waste of energy; LIFE AS IT GOES...Here we go!
Poetry: Life, T, English, Poetry, words: 154, 7/10/2005
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