Just In
PeachPawz PM
Joined Dec '02

I am so, so, so, so, so sorry that I've been all...dead on here.


'The Family I Once Knew' started bothering me because I got a bout of writer's block, so I haven't written any of it for a while. BUT, I'll try to continue it. Maybe I'll just start over. I didn't like certain aspects of the story when I stopped, in part because I felt it was getting too complicated.


Actually, maybe I didn't stop because I had writer's block. Part of it was that I just got really interested in writing something else (130 pages now, woot!). Not sure if I'll publish the other story here, but probably not. I didn't like the way that one was going, either, so I stopped that as well. Maybe I should rewrite that, too. Yes. I will. And if I like the new version I'll put it up here, maybe.


I apologize about the lack of 'Series of Nonsensical Events.' I actually haven't been on this site for a loooong time, so I didn't even think of writing more of them. But I feel like writing more now. In a minute. Then there will be more for you, my lovely, twisted readers.


Sorry if I've been commenting on your stories and everything, and then just DIED on you. Like I said, I've been away from this site completely for FIFTY BILLION YEARS LYKE OMG!1!!1oneone!1, so I didn't know you'd updated.


Moo. Quack. Etc.

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