Just In
Winter's Shadow
Joined Feb '03
my bio?
okay, i'm from india but have done my schooling in the united arab emirates. i finished high school two months ago, just turned seventeen last month and am hoping to join med school later this year.
Seeing that i was barely seventeen and already out of school you may jump to the conclusion that i was an over acheiver.
don't make that mistake.
the only reason for it is that my parents never really sent me to kindergarten. don't ask why, they just didn't.
anyway i like to sketch, read and wirte (duh!)
my fave books are probably the Chronicles of Prydain by Alexander Lloyd and the Harry Potter Series by JKR *rolls eyes* tell me who doesn't like HP.
Fave authors are the two mentioned above and Patricia Cornwell, Mathew Stone, Stephen King, Robert Jordan... there's a whole list.
Writing stories is my method of killing time. Read and hope you enjoy the random ramblings of a bored mind.
Oh... when you read just say a little prayer that i actually get around to finishing a story for once.
Anyone interested in Harry Potter and X Men fanfics is welcome to read mine at fanfiction.net. Flames, bricks, flowers, alarm clocks... throw anything you want. all is welcome.
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