Okay all you need to know about me is that my name is Shannon Malone, I am a total freak, I love to write and read (what does that tell you), and i'm obsessed with movies Oh and the Alanna series.
Okay I have some really wierd friends one works on fanfic and this like me, and the other works on fanfic only. Anyways their pen names are IceDragon26 and acegrl101.
Oh and if you get the chance read my fanfics. Because on there my friend and i have a We Love Jon and George Glee Club. Personally i think it's funny that's probably because i was falling out of my chair but nevermind about that. I'll start writing soon no doubt.
My lingo:
TTYL: talk to you later
I'll add more later just don't get confused. Okay anyways R&R my fics. Also don't judge my stories by the little paragraph under the title because i suck at writing them. So TTYL R&R Luv Ya.
Update! Okay i'm overlaoded normally and with all of the stories so i am going to pick one and stick with it for a week or two. If you have a spicific one you want e-mail me or review it and say it. The first one i see will be the one i choose. Now pick!! ;)
Okay i've been bad and have not updated! And i'm not being yelled at so i'll be polite an update as soon as i can! On June 23 i leave for camp and i get back in August so when i get back i'll post more but i WILL write at camp! Bye;)
My friend won't make a name but wants her story posted so i'm posting it on my name but giving her all the credit. I accidentally put it up in the wrong order so i deleted it and re did it! IF anyone wants to email her her email is Soccerpony1215! Anyway R&R her story!
I lost interest in a couple of my stories and i had to many yo pdate so i cancelled two. But i posted one it's another R rated one anyway enjoy! ;)