My Stories 51
end of school different perspective sctick
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 85, 4/6/2005
my end-of-year schtick
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 83, 4/5/2005
Yeah, I'm alive. Enjoy this one.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 76, 12/16/2004
The first poem I have ever written that references a previous one, and is talking about the same person. Stupid Love section...
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 76, 6/13/2004
Hot off the press, very rough and uncut. Don't read into it, just read it.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Drama & Angst, words: 59, 6/5/2004
3space race
A very simple poem of mine, quirky, short, and not too typical. Enjoy.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 93, 5/31/2004
9diamonds can't be broken
yes, i'm here. don't ask questions, just read it if you like.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Angst, words: 75, 5/5/2004
3The Good Girl
Wrote this is my creative writing class. Not my usual stuff. Read it if you want.
Fiction: General, K+, English, Drama & Tragedy, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 4/5/2004
4tide swiper
it's been a goes...
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Tragedy, words: 93, 3/6/2004
For the creative, cultural goddess
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Poetry, words: 75, 1/20/2004
Another confusing and nonsensical tale of my New Year's Eve experience. Reviews would be appreciated, I'm kind of experiementing with a new style.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 118, 1/6/2004
5safe ride
Gleaned from my exciting new year's experience. A little more quirky than usual, but no less truthful. If you are from Saskatchewan, you'll get the joke.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 96, 1/2/2004
5sigh and a fear
Maybe one of the most confusing poem I have ever written. Typical...Anyways, it's about my staff party, in a roundabout way.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 124, 12/19/2003
8no 1989
...little girl in pale blue...neck strewn with wedding pearls...
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 93, favs: 3, 11/19/2003
6lilies and brimstone
Kind of private, I feel shy posting this. Anyways, my feeling of the week. In poetry form, of couse. Oh, I give up trying to explain it...
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 104, 11/7/2003
6a shot in the dark
And so I return to the poetry section. This time with inspiration from a thousand obsessions and glances. Love stinks, but I still love it.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 77, 10/17/2003
5the perfect gift
My Birthday gift to a certain somebody. Please don't ask me to explain, I'm not so sure myself what it is about.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 89, 10/16/2003
6passing twice
Inspired by Shakspeare's "The Marriage of True Minds" - Sort of my will in poetry form.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry & Poetry, words: 80, 10/7/2003
8the stars are out
Nothing inspires the pen better then a starry night and a warmed heart. Read and enjoy.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 123, 9/20/2003
He made me do it ! Just kidding - I love an excuse to write poetry.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry, words: 63, 9/15/2003