My Stories 35
The World in my Eyes
This is the way I see the world. These are my opinions. Note that I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 252, favs: 1, 11/18/2006
I'm tired. At 9pm. I wake up, wide awake at just after 5am. Then 9am comes and I'm tired again. Sometimes I have to nap at 8.30pm.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Humor, words: 56, 9/8/2006
5Sleeping In The Rain
I found this scrawled on the back page of the notebook that I kept when I was ill in hospital. It was written in the most disgusting handwriting known to man, but at least I can realise that I had some hope in there.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Angst, words: 97, 8/2/2006
5Officework v20
The dreariness of work experience in an office. It was fine to begin with, but now the repetition is somewhat getting to me...
Poetry: Life, K, English, Humor, words: 53, 7/31/2006
6The “Average” English Person
I just like to make fun of national averages. There are a few things I left out here, but I might update one day. Please do not be offended, I am not aiming this at anybody in particular, and am not suggesting that there is anybody exactly like this.
Fiction: Humor, K, English, words: 242, favs: 1, 6/15/2006
I am obsessed about Latin Literature after I completed my Latin GCSE, which involved Virgil and Pliny literature. This is what I can recollect off the top of my head; this was typed off by heart. I can't forget it and I never will. I LOVE VIRGIL AND PLINY
Poetry: Humor, K, English, Humor & Drama, chapters: 2, words: 831, 6/13/2006
A haiku that I had to construct during an English lesson while staying in hospital.
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 12, 4/19/2006
4R Park
It's called R- Park because I want to conceal the name of the place that I live in. And yes, they do have English lessons in some children/adolescent wards in hospitals...
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 14, 4/19/2006
6Psychological abuse
Now I wonder why I wrote this... Another poem written in the hospital.
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 14, 4/19/2006
Again, I wrote this when in hospital in an English lesson.
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 12, 4/19/2006
I wrote this when I was in an English lesson in the hospital.
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 10, 4/19/2006
3In The Style of Robinson Crusoe
I had to put this up again because the old version had my name in it. Argh. This is in the style of Robinson Crusoe, in fact, it just makes fun of Robinson Crusoe's style. I hope that you enjoy.
Fiction: Humor, K, English, Humor & Parody, words: 879, 2/3/2006
6Diamonds Calligram
Some ridiculously abysmal piece of poetry that I was told to write for an English lesson at the hospital. A calligram is a poem in a certain shape, by the way. This poem is on the wall of the classroom. Whoohoo.
Poetry: General, K, English, Humor & Poetry, words: 93, 1/22/2006
11The 'I Feel Like Crap' Poem
My friend Florence and I wrote this. I wrote every second line; I had to rhyme with whatever Florence wrote, that is why almost every even line is very odd. We are quite depressed.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Humor & Poetry, words: 163, 5/8/2005
4The Joys of Pliny
A translation (written by Flotom, who is also on FP) of a section letter from Pliny in a Latin lesson. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Fiction: Humor, K, English, Humor & Drama, words: 107, 5/8/2005
6A Most Dire Postcard Poem
This is a poem that I sent to my father on a postcard when I was on holiday in Los Angeles. How can you expect me to write a decent poem in ten minutes? This is very dire.
Poetry: Humor, K, English, Humor & Poetry, words: 138, 4/16/2005
1How Does Shakespeare
...make the Meeting of Antonio and Shylock Dramatic in Act 1 Scene 3? Rated B for Bordeom. You have my permission to use this for your English homework (regard my copyright).
Fiction: Essay, K, English, Drama, words: 2k+, 2/26/2005
It's not historical for us at this moment in time, but it would be for a person in 2089. I wrote this for my English coursework the night before the deadline. I hope that it fares well.
Fiction: Historical, K, English, words: 1k+, 1/30/2005
10Lonely House
A poem describing the great love between me and my house.
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Romance & Humor, words: 161, 12/22/2004
Magnesium (2,8,2) Oxygen (2,6) Magnesium (2,8) Oxide (2,8).
Poetry: Humor, K, English, words: 143, 12/16/2004