CRITISISM IS OFFICIALLY WELCOME. flames can and will be used to toast marshmellows or warm my hands.
Previous pen names: Persn A/White Dragon's Fire
Gender: female
Occupation: High School Student hopefully some kind of freelance artist in the very near future
Age: too young to drive
Wieght: ...109lbs, I believe
Height: 5' 2" (T.T I feel so short)
Nature: Moody, impatient, thick-headed, controlled, secertive, fairly even tempered, humorous in a twisted way, slightly insane.
Likes: Mushrooms, cats, cheese, video games, Lord of the Rings, Legend of Zelda, manga (pronouced MAHN-GA for all you people not in the know), anime, Kenshin(!),rain, scaring the living daylights out of people, reading FANTASY, and I think writing is a given...
Dislikes: wearing straight jackets, people who are selfish/greedy/slutty/bullies, people who hurt my friends, most people in general, windy days, summer heat, making mistakes, being injured, losing sparring matchesand homework/quizzes/tests/projects
Quote of the week: We rock with our SOCKS!
Notes/Updates: 8/22/05: Believe it or not, I am actually alive. ^_^''' I also updated Wanderer for the first time in forever. I actually might post chapter 6/7 as well... *ponders* http://Visit me at deviantART!!!
3/8/05: Erk...I need to come on more often. HI FOLKS! *waves madly* I'm sorry that chappa six of Wanderer is taking such a shitload of time to finish, but it'll be up and running sometime this week. In the meantime, tho, I uploaded a SPIFFEH poem. Also, I've recently joined DeviantArt, so try checking me out there too.
12/4/04: Due to threats of bodily harm, I updated Wanderer again! ^^ Hooray for chappa five! *gives out party hats* Ph34r t3h P4r7y h475...
12/3/04 -@...= Had an evil Geophysical science test today...not that you care. Erm... anyways, I just noticed that chapters "2" and "3" of Wanderer were exactly the same. As such, I HAVE FIXED THIS HORRIBLE ERROR. O.O ^^ All is now right in the world.