Just In
Sterces PM
Joined Sep '03

"Your profile makes you sound a wee bit neurotic..." -- Creepshow

Hello! You can call me JAY... Because that's what people have started calling me lately. =D

I don't like my poetry. I think it sucks, but I write it anyway. Lol. Some of them I like more than others. Some of my stuff I actually consider decent. Feel free to praise them or tear them down! As long as you are not a flaming bully about it, I don't care.

A poetry class I am in has me writing again. _

I have a dreamjournal:

And you know my EMAIL so... *points up* ... Feel free to drop me a line and make me feel special! =)

I'd like to let you all REVIEWERS know that you ROCK! I will TRY review those who review me!


I'm back! It's been over a year, but I'm back!

You are on the favorites list of 33 members.
You have submitted a total of 561 signed reviews.
Total words archived : 1,291 words
Avg. number of words per entry : 184

Please check out my favorite authors & stories! They're all wonderful! =) Thank you!

Well, what are you waiting for? Go read my shiz! =P

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