Seeker of the Way PM
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2Happy Yule tide
It's a Yule song AND a song for Christmas AND Hanauka! for the HOLIDAYS! For my NeoPagan friends (esp. PussyKat). I SANG it ... acapella! not the best singer, heh!
Poetry: Song, K, English, Spiritual & Poetry, words: 132, 12/21/2004
9To Tell The Truth
All of us know only lies until we die to this world.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 144, 11/11/2004
20Oh Baby Baby yes, Yes, YES!
You know, ladies, how the majority of guys seems to be perves who can't talk? Well, I am not like that! Except for here! Hee hee, just a joke! Started out as a pop love song parody, but took a turn for the worse, Lol!
Poetry: Love, T, English, Romance & Parody, words: 230, favs: 4, 11/7/2004
Just a silly thing I wrote to accompany PussKat's quest! I wrote it in like 3 seconds, hope U like it! More 4 PK's amusement, tho!
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Parody & Humor, words: 51, 10/23/2004
4WriGHte me!
It's gnostic. esoteric, but I hope fun to read and enlightening!
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 133, 10/23/2004
3Hope You're Happy
I wrote this awhile back, not sure about it. lime-girl asked me to post, so I post it for her. I think ineed to re-read Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" for I think it has secretly influenced me the most.
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 278, 10/16/2004
6Live Life Out Loud
I don't know, I just wrote it in a minute or so. I hope you like the word play
Poetry: General, K+, English, words: 136, favs: 1, 10/2/2004
19Drown Me in Your V Lake »
NEW CHAPTER (#6! ) This is from my soul trying to turn lead (astray) into emboldened Gold. You will LOVE it! Very sensual and POWERFUL!
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Romance, chapters: 6, words: 2k+, favs: 2, updated: 9/2/2004 published: 12/31/2003
9Myth of Clay Creation
Another poem I wrote at work at this year, just uploading them now. Just an idea that came to mind that I tried to make into a poem. Enjoy!
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 120, 8/5/2004
9Dance So Free
Tis another enjoyable read, I hope!
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 154, favs: 1, 8/5/2004
6Upside Down Heart
A poem of how love can turn negatives into positives! again, NOT MUSHY! How the heck do ido it? lmao
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance, words: 276, 8/5/2004
4Bolt From the Blue, Too
Another lightning metaphor for love! THIS time inspired by a special someone!
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Spiritual, words: 191, 8/5/2004
6Take The MakeUp
SHORT - wtf? lol I don't know, it just seemed ... done! about females in society defying its will .. maybe?
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 29, 7/28/2004
3I'm On Fire
Kind-of a rap, but not really. My Soul sure likes to type! Enjoy! )
Poetry: Life, K, English, Angst & Spiritual, words: 306, 7/28/2004
8I Won't Lie Even When I Die
tis another strong statement from my soul to yours! This and "Concerning Worry" were both on the same site, I only got a few reviews for this one!
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 119, 7/28/2004
soul reaches out, it almost can touch pardise!
Poetry: General, K, English, Spiritual, words: 80, 7/28/2004
8Concerning Worry
I put this on another writers site first ... got only one review ... and not even from the one who reccomended it to me! so, there are only two exclusives there (forgive the formating)
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 76, 7/16/2004
5Fate Feels Fine
It's about feeling good, having fun, I'm not sure, why don't you tell me!
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Romance & Adventure, words: 44, 6/24/2004
9Fate Hates Me
shrugs like a diary entry in poetic form. Grr it is NOT political, how's that! I think it's kinda cool but I would ... being the author and all
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 155, 6/19/2004