Just In
Joined Oct '03

~On Hiatus~*

SUNDAY 12-6-2005


SUNDAY 5-6-2005

+ has two papers left before finals are finally over +
+ has set up a new website for blogging purposes +
+ still has the geocities website +
+ is glad that finals are going to be over! +

FRIDAY 20-5-2005

+ is currently sitting for her finals +
+ willget out ofcollege by june the 11th +
+ will be visiting Australia in July (hopefully) +
+ knows that she can't keep her promises +
+ will still promise that she'll finish her stories +
+ wants to learn the Japanese language in the next 6 months +
+ wants to go skiing +
+ wants to learn how to make a flash animation +
+ has a friend who wants to draw a manga based on Opherion +

So much for updates... XD
Yup, my long time and closest of friends, psycho_kyugurl, wants to draw up a manga based on Opherion.
Give her gallery a look see from time to time... She's a really talented artist.
She is even a very talented poet! Her poems can be found somewhere in fictionpress.

Thank you for visiting this page.
I hope that you'll enjoy my stories and poems, written on a whim for imagination's sake.
Again I would like to say: visit the authors in my favourite's list, they're really the best.
At least, I enjoyed their stories and poems the most.

Have a great day!

WEDNESDAY 20-4-2005

About Me:
+ am known as Jez-Arinn +
+ am a fulltime college student +
+ am going to graduate in June 2005 +
+ am a fulltime leech, if you know what that means +
+ loves japanese anime and manga +
+ loves food in general +
+ loves the scent of coffee early in the morning +
+ loves a cup of hot chocolate before bed at night +
+ loves writing and music in general +


~life is too intriguing to miss; death is too harsh an end~
~writing is the art of carving an image in the imagination of its reader~

Recent Poetry:
+ Sufferance +

Completed Stories:
+ Orphan +
+ Music +

Ongoing Stories:
+ Opherion +
+ Project REi +

Practically Abandoned Story:
+ Cherish +

+ After Death +
+ Lightning +
+ The Night Is Young +
+ Ignored And Other Haikus +
+ The Stream +

Favourite Authors
Favourites Stories



All of my stories are fictional.
None of them are based on reality.
And they're all mine ^_~

Author: Follow Favorite

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