Just In
Larania Mahera PM
Joined Nov '03
Age:somewhere between 18-25
Time Zone: Pacific
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, RPG Video Games, Cross Stiching, Eating, Music
Favorite Pet:Cat
Favorite Animal:Tiger
Favorite Author:Tamora Pierce
Favorite Book:Trickster's Queen
Favorite Movie:Pirates of the Carribean

Note: My best friend Rora and her and two of her friends Vace and Jarco have written a story called Chained Hunters. It is very good (much better than anything I could write). If you would like to read it, it is on fiction press but it is also at http:// At this cite there are more chapters uploaded than on fiction press.

Another note: If you have read and enjoyed the books by Tamora Pierce and enjoy a good life go to http://www.fanfiction.net/~theresaandamandaofparody Here are parodys written by me and my best friend based on tortall characters put into disney movies. They are hilarious.

Now please READ & REVIEW my story. If you do i will R/R at least one chapter of yours, probably more. I promise, cross my heart hope to die. THANK YOU, HAVE A GOOD DAY!

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