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Coeur de Milan
Joined Nov '03
Fifteen words about me: aspiring author, Libra, blonde, hazel-eyed, 5'6", hopeless romantic, younger than you think, and wildly imaginative. I love fantasy, romance, action/adventure, cats, deep characters, Johnny Depp, etc.

One could call me open, but one thing that has absolutely no curb appeal for me is a shallow character that the author quite obviously loves and throws into several life-or-death situations that, seeing as you dislike the character, hold absolutely no interest of yours and can actually make you think, "Well, honestly. I don't care if the character dies or not; actually I'd prefer if it did. Then I wouldn't have to listen to it whine anymore." Also, being atheist I might throw in a few "more religious than now" characters into my stories, so if you're religious and are insulted by that sort of thing, I apologize, but that's as far as I'll go. Don't like it? Don't read my stories. That way, everyone can stay happy.

One more thing: if you haven't guessed, I'm of the fairer sex. As if a male would go on spouting about annoying characters.

I lied! One more thing - I just recently opened up an online magazine by name of The Lady of Lyonesse. I'd love it if you'd go and check it out here!

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