Just In
sunscraped PM
Joined Dec '03

MSN: sunscraped at live dot com.

I used to write a lot, but like everyone else, interests fade and some decrepit novelty takes their place.

Like everyone else.

I was once taught values, some little Christian snowglobes that serve no purpose but to decorate the mantle and provide feigned sentimentality for peace of mind. I may be a teenager, but I still understand the world in such a way that I realize sex isn't defiance of these values but some indeterminate attempt to squeeze out of the love and trust and break free of some bonds that they'll yearn for later down the road.

I've grown up in every place but home.

My best friends are cats and the only person I'd ever quote is myself simply because I'm selfish and I'm the only one that I know actually exists. I typo and I sew the veins of two separate words together for more nonsense simply because it's in the language of my roots (German) to do so. I can't say sunscraped without it being underlined in red. I can't speak whole phrases without criticism. Forget it; I can't speak.

I will never tell you where I'm from or how tall I am or what gender I am or my hair color because I'm only known as a word and a dozen hyperlinks to sounds and phrases that may shock or make no sense at all.

(We all die because we all deserve it.)


Activity: Might pick up a story.

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