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Reverie-Knights PM
Joined Dec '03
Welcome to my poetry account,

I feel like I need to give an explanation to those who seem to not bother to go into my interpretations correctly. My poem, "Rescind", whom some people seem to have thought was about promoting suicide...no. Did you bother to read the note? No? Well, allow me to graciously cut and paste it:
"General outlook on suicide. I think I was thinking about 'The Outsider' by A Perfect Circle, but...not. This is generally to the people who say they're going to kill themselves in order to get attention."
I'm not promoting suicide in any way through that poem. I wrote it because I was tired of people whining and saying that they're going to kill themselves and don't, mainly because they want people to drown them with "Aww, poor baby. *Hugs.* It'll be okay" and et cetera. People like that piss me off.

And for those who don't even know what "rescind" even means, allow me to give you a brief definition: "annul by recalling or rescinding". I want those people to disappear.

I doubt anyone ever bothered to take a moment and interpret my thoughts, because what you see on paper may take a moment for one to actually get it right. It's like when my English teacher initially thought that "Sky, Moon, Star" was about me being suicidal. Once again: no. It's not about suicide. And I'm not telling people to kill themselves through my poem, "Rescind", either.

I just felt like getting my point across.

Anyway. "Wings", "Wings II", "Sky, Moon, Star", "Dementia", "Liberation", and "Shadow on the Wall". Please review. Now. Those are one of the few poems that I actually care about. I like opinions from people who give decent ones. Thank you.

Reviews are always accepted, except from haphazard self-proclaimed twenty-two-year-old college students who have no idea what they are talking about because they have the intellect of a biohazard ape (run-on sentence intended.).

In any case, those who have pleasantly stumbled upon my page, welcome. Enjoy reading, reviewing, and growing up. Thank you.

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