Eirien PM
My Stories . Bio Fav: Stories . Authors
10 Das Weiße Reh
Der Rechtsanwalt und Hobbyjäger David verliebt sich in seine neue Gehilfin. Doch Alyssa ist von vielen Geheimnissen umgeben. Eine Mischung aus Liebesgeschichte und "tale of mystery and imagination" à la Poe.
Fiction: Fantasy, T, German, Romance & Angst, words: 29, favs: 1, follows: 1, updated: 5/30/2020 published: 5/22/2009
4 The Kingdom in a Nutshell
Eine (allegorisch gemeinte) Rittergeschichte, die in einer Mittelerde-ähnlichen Welt angesiedelt ist (die meisten Namen sind Elbisch). Wahre Gefährten, wahrer Dienst, wahre Liebe.
Fiction: Fantasy, T, German, Romance & Spiritual, words: 30, updated: 5/30/2020 published: 4/26/2015
Sonnets II »
Five recent sonnets, portraying the love relationship between Jesus and His bride.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Romance & Spiritual, chapters: 4, words: 632, 11/2/2019
1 The Seed of Salvation
"When will He come to set me free?"
Fiction: Spiritual, T, English, Angst & Romance, words: 913, 11/2/2019
Too Deeply »
... have I gazed into Your eyes to ever let You go again. A love poem and a "prose poem" on Psalm 45:1.
Poetry: Religion, K+, English, Romance & Spiritual, chapters: 2, words: 241, 11/1/2019
With Healing in His Wings
Recovery from a broken friendship.
Poetry: Friendship, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Spiritual, words: 168, favs: 1, follows: 1, 11/1/2019
6 A Better Place »
What will heaven be like? Three poems.
Poetry: Religion, K+, English, Spiritual, chapters: 3, words: 259, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 3/27/2012
54 Acrostics »
A collection of acrostics.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 10, words: 548, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 9/20/2004
7 Visions of Alba »
My earliest poems written as a teenager. They might present an idealized image of Scotland, but it had for me the function of an escape world; without realizing I had identified with its land and people in my struggle to survive various forms of abuse.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Drama, chapters: 7, words: 1k+, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 3/28/2012
1 Liebespfeile
Ein Gedicht über Einsamkeit.
Poetry: Love, T, German, Hurt/Comfort & Spiritual, words: 154, 11/1/2019
2 Urgrund »
Was, wenn ich alles auf Dich setze, und es Dich doch nicht so gibt, wie ich glaube? Zwei eher erzählende Gedichte über Glaube, Zweifel, Intimität.
Poetry: Religion, T, German, Spiritual & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 829, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 2/15/2015
2 Breathe »
To breathe You in and out... What can You promise me when You cannot even promise me security? Three poems written during a period of existential threat and PTSD.
Poetry: Religion, T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 412, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 9/29/2015
5 Zu tief »
...habe ich in Deine Augen geschaut... Fünf spirituelle Liebesgedichte.
Poetry: Love, T, German, Romance & Spiritual, chapters: 5, words: 490, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 7/18/2012
12 Covenant for Life »
Who am I that You hung up galaxies to romance me? Six poems portraying a love relationship with Jesus, from wooing and first romance to sure love and passion, from wilderness love to invincible love, a re-kindling of first love and reassurance of not being forgotten.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Spiritual & Romance, chapters: 6, words: 684, favs: 1, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 6/6/2012
5 Inkarnation »
Vier Gedichte um den Kampf, in Extremsituationen von Leiden und Bedrohung dennoch Gottes Nähe zu finden.
Poetry: Life, T, German, Angst & Romance, chapters: 4, words: 622, updated: 11/1/2019 published: 12/13/2015
2 Until the Shadows Flee Away
A cameo of pain and love, told from the point of view of a historical person. I leave you to guess who it is - it will be pretty obvious at the end.
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Mystery & Angst, words: 27, 5/7/2019
1 Mirrormere
An encounter between a girl and a supernatural being in a place resembling Tolkien's Mirrormere (not a fanfiction).
Fiction: Fantasy, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Friendship, words: 27, 3/8/2018
1 Lebendiges Wasser
Zurück zur ersten Liebe...
Fiction: Spiritual, T, German, Romance & Supernatural, words: 1k+, 1/15/2017
1 Veritas
Was ist die Wahrheit? Lasst euch überraschen... Die vielschichtige Geschichte um einen Jungen thematisiert unter anderem Hochsensibilität.
Fiction: Spiritual, T, German, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 3k+, 5/18/2016
36 Veiled Mists »
Driven by an indefinable yearning, you search and seek, and don't even know what you are longing for, sometimes also looking down side alleys you find to be closed up. But still the longing is unquenchable, for "The heart of man" was made to hold infinity.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry, chapters: 3, words: 574, favs: 1, updated: 4/25/2015 published: 6/19/2004