Here’s my information:
Name: Stephani E.
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Birthday: June 18, 1989
Horoscope sign: Gemini
Grade: Sophomore
Hobbies: Reading, singing, listening to music, hanging out
Likes: Mexican food. I absolutely love rock. I’m soo addicted to it. Any recommendations, be sure to let me
know! I also love Friday night football, but, unfortunetly, my school completely sucks.
Dislikes: conceited and/or racist people; hypocrites, theives and most of all.. LIARS
Favorite Author: Maura Murphey is pretty darn awesome.
Favorite Books: I absolutely love any and every story by Maura. She’s an incredible artist. I seriously recommend her to you. Check out her page http:///ma4/lucky315/
Favorite music/bands/artists/songs : It’s all pretty much classical rock or alternative rock or any kind of rock. I absolutely love Creed so damn much. Evanescence is pretty awesome too. Bad Company isn’t too far behind them.
Favorite TV shows/channels: I don’t watch TV much, but when I do it’s all either Lifetime or Noggin.
Favorite movies: Eh, I don’t even remember the last time I DID watch a movie….
Favorite animal: Puppies all the way, baby!
Now, thank you so much for all your time. I hope you decide to read my story or in the future, stories. I’m not much of a writer, but one can try.
Until later,
Stephani E.