fatsoko PM
My Stories . Bio Fav: Stories . Authors
2 Stay Still For Me
-one shot- I don't know if you'll return or why you even come back but I know that I'll never say those words. Stay still for me.
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Drama & Angst, words: 979, 6/18/2008
3 Unicycle
Always waiting. So painful. Eyes watching, gazing with inexplicable emotion. Emotions. Emotions. Emotions. Detach yourself. Immerse yourself. Lost to reality. Love. [complete oneshot]
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance & Angst, words: 783, favs: 2, 10/24/2007
17 Coma
[one shot] Wake up. Remove the blindfold that you've worn for so long so that you can finally see how torn up inside I've become. How shredded my heart has become because of you. Can you not see how broken I've become? Please. If you love me, wake up.
Fiction: Romance, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 11, 4/10/2007
107 Dahke's Story »
Completed at last! A simple short and sweet story. I...think it's pretty cliche but I've gotten over it. Enjoy.
Fiction: Manga, T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 31, words: 69k+, favs: 11, follows: 1, updated: 9/24/2004 published: 2/27/2004