Name: Jennifer
Nicknames: Jenni_i, Spiked
Eye colour: BROWN hehehe so boring
Hair colour: dark dark brown with light brown and red streaks. I want to dye the tips blue.
Figure: I'm a FATASS!
Favourite Music: LINKIN PARK
Mariah Carey
Favourite Movies: The Ring
The Princess Diaries
Favourite Books: Fantasy with a twist of Romance
Harry Potter Series
Christopher Pike Books
Others that Lucy tells me to read
Lucy (wish I was HALF as smart as that brainiac)
Manda (the affection of MANY boys' hearts)
Kristin (man is she athletic)
Angela (she's my best friend)
Eva (she's my best friend too)
Joyce (my little godsister)
Rachel (very shopping freakish)
Boys .
. i don't know any . lol just kidding . Ken (i can't really say he's a guy . . . )
Richard (a very very mean, horrible, nastay, NICE, idiot)=)
Derek (a goldfish n my ugly guardian angel)
Billy (my grandpa, married 2 kristin)
John (my hobo uncle, if u go 2 broadway, u might c him on the streets)
Justin (my millionaire uncle)
Note: this is all a fake family made by MOI in mini skoo
I'm too lazy to go on . . .
Read and Review my stories! hehehe
And I like a certain way of writing and a certain type of stories. Got a problem? Get a cup of tea and talk it over, then allow my to . . . err . . . play with you lol just kidding