Just In
Rose-Dreamer PM
My Stories 36
4A Different Look A different look on death.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry, words: 70, 8/3/2005
2Piano Songs it's pretty basic but its's true...read and find out.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 45, 3/28/2005
4Echoes In The Night A song I wrote for a new band I'm in...This is meant to be somewhat creepy, please review with honest feedback
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Horror, words: 151, 2/2/2005
5Ghosts I came up with the idea in school, and after two days, it's finally done! Written in the point of view of a ghost...R&R plz!
Poetry: General, K+, English, words: 100, favs: 1, 1/7/2005
3Breathe A short poem I wrote while a friend of mine went crazy.
Poetry: Humor, K, English, words: 47, favs: 1, 1/6/2005
1Into The Darkness On New Year's Eve, I saw my sister and my friend ride away from my friend and I, happy, together, going into the darkness...
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, words: 125, 1/1/2005
4Anguished Heart When I believed the lies my mom told me, I betrayed myself...
Poetry: Family, K+, English, words: 43, 12/31/2004
2My Resolution Dedicated to my mom...I only have one goal for New Years. R&R plz!
Poetry: Family, K+, English, words: 131, 12/31/2004
2Ringing I wrote this a while ago, and decided to post it at this site. Please review!
Poetry: General, K+, English, words: 62, 12/29/2004
2Aware This is a piece about life with my mom lately...Please review.
Poetry: Family, K+, English, words: 70, 12/27/2004
3Reign Supreme It's a song I put a lot of work into...It's kinda a swing song...R&R plz!
Poetry: Song, K+, English, words: 225, 11/11/2004
1Yes and No A poem about how my sister's been acting ever since she got a bf...She's really different now. R&R Please.
Poetry: Family, K+, English, words: 132, 10/30/2004
4Fall of an Empire Yet another poem that took me two days. It's not about any war in particular, just a war where an empire fell...R&R please.
Poetry: War, K+, English, words: 59, 10/29/2004
3Inside My Head Yet another poem about life at one of my houses...A review would be nice...
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry, words: 65, 9/8/2004
3Selfish Mother The title is self explanitory...My mom won't talk to my dad or my grandmother because she doesn't want to...R&R.
Poetry: Family, K+, English, words: 95, 5/31/2004
4Sticks And Stones A song I wrote about standing up for yourself. I still don't know how I thought of this one...R&R Please.
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Angst, words: 232, 5/25/2004
1Twin Wars A poem about life as a twin and some of the arguments we have...The format's kinda weird, though...R&R
Poetry: Family, K+, English, Humor, words: 202, 5/18/2004
8Britney Spears Go Home A poem I wrote for English class. I really don't like the Pop Tart, and for all you Britney haters, read this!
Poetry: Humor, K+, English, words: 65, favs: 4, 5/14/2004
1Retaliation A poem I wrote when I was talking to my friend. No idea where it came from. But please R&R.
Poetry: General, K+, English, Angst, words: 118, 5/14/2004
3Imagine Sometimes you have to connect with nature, so here's my poem about it.
Poetry: Nature, K, English, words: 67, 5/11/2004
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