aubreyjohnson PM
Joined Jun '04
Humm so its been almosta yar since i even thought about updatingany of my stories. i was jsut going through old files he other night and found 'Getting over Mr. JacobFrazier' and'Coming Home Late.' but I'e decicded to give them another try.
I've found that when I have my own active love life I have no need to write more chapters, plus being a freshman in college and all those things.ButI've always loved'GettingOverMr. Jacob Frazier' somaybe they'll be a few more chapters. of courseit'shard for me tokeep inspiration so if you have any idieafor any of my stories thenfeel free...
If you have anything you'd like to say to me personally, you can reach me atborn_2_be_famous@