My Stories 123
Sharp Fire
Flames of barbed wire. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Angst & Drama, words: 57, 3/25/2008
Imagine the ghost of a sword fighting watching his sword rust and rust. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K+, English, Supernatural & Adventure, words: 108, 3/25/2008
A Daring Leap
Written in response to a photo of a lady in old fashioned clothing jumping down about five steps! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K, English, Adventure & Drama, words: 75, 3/25/2008
Work Is Hell
This is what I do with my time atwork! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: Work, K, English, Humor & Angst, words: 125, 3/25/2008
Erections And Trees
Oh how my fiction lessons have disapeared! This was written during my fiction class at Uni. I should have been paying attention ... but I was bored! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: School, K+, English, Humor & Drama, words: 170, 1/11/2008
Card Sharp
A poem about what goes through the head of a Proffesional Gambler in the Wild West! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K, English, Drama & Suspense, words: 107, 11/16/2007
Hidden Life
Another peom to do with my phobia of dolls. This is actually what I think is going through their heads! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Horror & Supernatural, words: 115, 11/16/2007
Love of Hippo
What can I say? I LOVE HIPPOS! A little piece of hippo love! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K, English, Humor, words: 123, 11/16/2007
Photographic Memory
All these memories from one old photograph. Written for an assignment. Please Read And Review!
Fiction: Biography, K+, English, Angst & Drama, words: 2k+, 7/11/2007
The Sirens Song
A poem of Agamenon and how he heard a sirens song on the way to Troy. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K, English, Drama & Romance, words: 80, 5/28/2007
Immortal Fires
A poem a wrote based on Achillis and the moment he dies. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K+, English, Angst & Poetry, words: 145, favs: 1, 5/28/2007
The Toy I Wished For
Ever wished so hard for a toy and then on your birthday you didnt get it? Please Read and Review!
Poetry: General, K, English, Drama & Angst, words: 80, 3/12/2007
I Always Remain
The thoughts of a toy that sits on the highest shelf. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K, English, Drama & Poetry, words: 106, 3/12/2007
Bill and Bull
A poem dedicated to two egg head dolls! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K, English, Humor & Poetry, words: 97, 3/12/2007
All Seeing Eyes
About two creepy clown dolls my Mum used to own. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, T, English, Horror & Poetry, words: 84, favs: 1, 3/12/2007
Aces High
Poem about playing Poker! Please Read And Review!
Poetry: General, K+, English, Poetry & Suspense, words: 148, 3/12/2007
Missing A Light Switch
Written for my ASSESMENT: Getting trapped in a closet during a party is all kinds of fun! Please Read And Review! resubmited
Fiction: General, K+, English, Humor & Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 2/2/2007
Innocent Dolls
I have a very deep fear of dolls ever since I was little. This is my poem dedicated to show the evil side of them. I'm not kidding I do fear them! Please Read And Review! Worked really hard on this!
Poetry: General, T, English, Horror & Angst, words: 107, favs: 1, 1/21/2007
Love is True
Villanelle written for Uni. About the troubles of being so far away from a loved one. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Angst, words: 154, 12/9/2006
Inner Battle
A few haikus about an inner battle. Please Read And Review!
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, Angst & Drama, words: 57, 12/9/2006