My Stories 99
Lost in Liminal Places
This poem was inspired by the themes of Anathema's latest album, We're here because we're here, particularly the ideas of self-healing inside and the conception of universal love in liminal places. It is a very emotional and inspirational album for me.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry, words: 92, 11/23/2010
Islands of the Blessed
In the ancient stories, warriors dreamt of distant places where their souls could find shelter and bliss, after an honourable death on the battlefield. My mind wanders off to the Islands of the Blessed ...
Poetry: War, K, English, Poetry, words: 114, 10/9/2010
Wear Your Illusions Human Bestiary I
An accusation directed at the world of High Fashion which enslaves human beings and makes them obsessed with status and appearance. There is not art in that world, merely arrogance.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 166, 9/26/2010
A poem loosely based on something supernatural that happened to me in the forests of the island of Cres, in Croatia. I will probably never truly know what happened that night, all I recall was my sheer terror and my desire to leave that strange forest.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 136, favs: 1, 9/19/2010
A poem dedicated to Epica's singer, Simone Simons. Epica is my favourite band, a Dutch Symphonic Metal act. I have been to three of their concerts, I have interviewed her and met her a second time in Milan. She has taught me the beauty of Platonic love.
Poetry: General, K, English, Poetry, words: 133, favs: 1, 5/29/2010
Can we escape from time? Are we trapped in cyclical or linear time? Can we perceive beyond our human senses and become atemporal?
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 68, 5/27/2010
Eudaimonia or dedicated to Hypatia of Alexandria
Having fought for the Italian release of Amenabar's movie "Agorà" on the life and murder of the Pagan philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria, I wrote a poem dedicated to this extraordinary historical character from the 4th and 5th centuries BC.
Poetry: Religion, K, English, Poetry & Spiritual, words: 165, favs: 1, 3/30/2010
Astral Foray
In the meadows a dawn: an encounter with intelligence from another world. Is it a real experience or a vision? Perhaps our own path to salvation is starting to believe.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry, words: 199, favs: 1, 7/28/2007
Gates of Perdition
This poem is a reference to the Emperor of Persia Darius' miserable campaign in Scythia narrated by Herodotus Book IV. I compared this campaign to the misleading society we live in, focring us to adapt to its tyrannies and whims. Free yourselves.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 68, 1/10/2007
The waves of sleep wash away the last thoughts of regret over lost love, a rhytmic and cadenced fall to silence.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry, words: 108, 10/3/2006
1Sospiro infranto
Il sospiro infranto è come un tramonto che non dura in eterno, un attimo di purezza che il tempo consuma inesorabilmente.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, Italian, Poetry, words: 90, 4/20/2006
Elegia dell'anima
Una poesia scritta per un concorso universitario. L'anima è prigioniera di un corpo che non può ambire ad orizzonti senza fine.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, Italian, Poetry, words: 124, 4/16/2006
1Sciamancy or Sciomancy
In Greek, divination by means of the shadows. In the shadows of life, in all its facets, the New Agers like me can find a parallel world, a new world: we are the sons of transcendental dawn.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 112, 4/16/2006
1Morning on the Alban Lake
The Alban Lake was a sacred lake for the Roman people, a powerful vision I encounter every day since I live just above it. It has a mystical touch of glorious times never really forgotten.
Poetry: Nature, K, English, Poetry, words: 442, 4/3/2006
6Whispers from a Churchyard
The Dead are forgotten, lapsing in their oblivion in decadent graves. As a man of emotions I was touched by the loneliness of a countryside churchyard and thought over the illusions of men.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 356, favs: 3, 3/27/2006
A very complicated poem dedicated to Hypnos, the Greek God of sleep. Despite the dark schemes of night hallucinations, I'm trying to escape from reality and enter a new world.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry, words: 293, favs: 3, 3/20/2006
Night is the province of fears, nightmares, delusions and mists of Hell. It is only in love and in comfort that we can escape the emprisonment of a succubus.
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Poetry, words: 149, 3/2/2006
2Garden of agonies
The poet's garden is the feud of life's delusions and fantasy's chimeras. The prophecy he utters before every last stand is the sacred promise of freedom itself.
Poetry: Fantasy, K, English, Poetry, words: 233, favs: 1, 2/27/2006
4Days of Daffodils
The daffodils are thriving in this winter garden, hail the days of their coming and turn your eyes to the spring skies.
Poetry: Nature, K, English, Poetry, words: 111, 2/20/2006