"Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to take the oil." -- Vice President Cheney, instructing Pres. Bush on the invasion of Iraq.
"Satanists are basically Secular Humanists who think they're more badass than that." - FP's own Anya Tempest
“Nietzsche is dead.”-God
"The rules that government lay down are the only protection an anarchist has from the mobs of people sick of hearing him speak." --Unknown
"I can't think of anything more harmful out of the secular humanist movement than the belief that godlessness equals the development of an intellectual skill set." -- FP's Typewriter King
"John Stein is a steaming pile of dog-crap, and I’m a stupid redundant liberal." --Theatre des Vampires
"Who is more ignorant? The man who can not define lightning, or the man who does not respect its power?" - Camerlengo Ventresca, Dan Brown's Angels and Demons