Favorite Stories 3
240Venting Sessions » by
Imaginary Player
Just me venting about things that bother me. 16th Entry Added: Year in Review Series Started! R/R as always!
Fiction: Essay, K, English, chapters: 16, words: 15k+, favs: 7, updated: 1/28/2005 published: 7/27/2003
20The Love Of Richard Nixon » by
On Mercury
A little rant at a guy called John Stein. Notice how I restrained myself from saying something worse than "guy? That's pretty much the tone of the rant. Read it for nodding if you're a sane person and you've had the unfortunate luck to encounter him. Sorr
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, chapters: 3, words: 4k+, favs: 1, updated: 11/20/2004 published: 11/15/2004
244Truth Be Told » by
S. T. Lawrence
Chapter 29 & 30: IMPORTANT READ! The Wild, Wacky, and not-so-wonderful world of Richard A. Clarke (Revised) plus a response to a reviwer with more on Clarke
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, chapters: 30, words: 45k+, favs: 8, updated: 4/1/2004 published: 9/3/2003