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A Tiding of Ravens PM
Joined Aug '04

Welcome to A Tiding of Ravens. My name is Jim Smith, I write under the name biminator here on FP. Recently, our founder, John Fiore, signed off for his lack of time to keep up with the group. He writes under the pen name BitterGlee here on fictionpress.com. Anyway, we are a community of writers, tossed together haphazardly from anyone John and I could dig up with enough talent to create a thought-provoking and interesting story. In our archives you will find a collection of either
solo works or the combined effort of two or more "Ravens".

Why "A Tiding of Ravens"? Tiding is a cool word, that's why. "A Murder of Crows" might have sounded better, but crows are dumb as shit, and TheTower of London has ravens. And London is a very cool place indeed.

If you're interested in joining the Tiding, please submit your FP pen name, real name, and a sampling of your work to tasmithbo@. If you want to send a message or question to one of our members, send it to tidingofravens@, with the receiver's name in the subjectline (so we don't read each other's mail, see).

Our message board is located at: http:///batidingofravens. Take a look.

Former members: (FP name in parentheses, forum name in brackets)

John Fiore (BitterGlee) The King of Nothing : The Steadfast King of Nothing. My usual writing styles are fantasy, sci-fi, and

Cait McPherson (The Grim Amentia) GrimAmentia : The Mordent Keeper of the Black Menagerie. I'd love to type out some long-winded introduction, but I'm sure it'd sound pretentious, so I'll skip it. Bah. I generally tend to stick with the fantasy and sci-fi genres, but all of my stories have a darker edge. Lessons in morality wrapped up in a delicously twisted, crispy-fried exterior. Honestly? Most of my works are character-driven,and I tend to lose sight of the original plot. Verbose? Very.

Our members at current are:

Jim Smith (Biminator)
Biminator : The Righteous Earl of Straightforward Writing. I'm not making my name up. That is my name. It is officially the blandest, most common name in existence. Anyway, I'm hoping you can tell my writing style by my "title". "Earl" is the most obscure title I could think of. The rest is self-explanatory. I usually am better at producing ideas than writing them, since I usually don't twist plots much and get to the point far too quickly. A person once told me that my writing is "...straightforward, but practical and pleasant." The first two I believe to be correct, while the third I leave to you.

Elliott Cade (PhantomPheather) PhantomPheather : I don't know. I really don't. Anti-social? Sarcastic? Cynical? Skeptical?

Alexandra Dixon (Miss Wood) Rowennag : hey there... I'm Alexandra, 15 years of age, and generally go by Rowenna or Ro online.. It's mainly because that's what I use when I'm roleplaying.. guess it stuck.. my interests include writing, obviously, reading, roleplaying, history, myth, and science fiction.. mm, yes, and there's always the european and chinese methods of torture. interestingly enough, few yet realize how sick of a mind I have..Inspirations include quite a few different people, JKR
early on, for sparking my interest in writing, JMS currently, as even his brief ideas are enough to build a great deal from, and then there's Poe.. he's just awesome..

Anna Allison (Thorns) KrimsonTear : Hello, my name is Anna (a.k.a Thorns) I've always loved writing and have been doing various projects including, contests, fan fiction, rpging, requested writing, original pieces, etc. I'm a little obsessive, but I like to think its part of my charm.

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