Just In
Warrioress Morrighana PM
My Stories 40
1To Mend This Broken Heart How I felt a while back when my heart was broken.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama & Angst, words: 140, 6/6/2006
1Something What you will never know, that your lover should of told you.
Poetry: Life, T, English, Mystery & Tragedy, words: 84, 6/6/2006
1Unknown This is a poem I wrote a while back. I suppose I was waiting for the time to post it. This would be the time. Read it, Review it. Thank you!
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama & Angst, words: 80, 3/5/2006
1Hello » The point of view of a girl trapped in a vortex of emotions can't be that bad, could it?
Fiction: General, M, English, Angst & Drama, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 1, updated: 1/12/2006 published: 1/9/2006
1Hate to Love This is a Diamante I wrote in Creative Writing. Its about hate disapearing and love taking its place.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama, words: 23, 11/16/2005
1Princess to Vampire This is a Diamante I wrote in Creative Writing. Enjoy.
Poetry: Fantasy, T, English, Supernatural & Poetry, words: 23, 11/16/2005
1Fear to Love This is a Diamante I wrote in Creative Writing. Its about fear changing to love.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Tragedy & Romance, words: 23, 11/16/2005
1Dark Eyes This is a Haiku I wrote in Creative Writing. Its about a girl trapped in the darkness of her soul.
Poetry: Haiku, K+, English, Drama & Angst, words: 18, 11/16/2005
1Roses in the Sun This is a Haiku I wrote in Creative Writing.
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 21, 11/16/2005
1The Ritual This is a Tanka I wrote in Creative Writing. Its about a Wiccan inlove with her deity.
Poetry: Religion, K, English, Spiritual, words: 27, 11/16/2005
Dark Angel This is a Cinquain I wrote in Creative Writing. Its about an angel who has fallen into the darkness.
Poetry: General, K, English, Mystery & Supernatural, words: 21, 11/16/2005
Twelve Flights A poem about a girl so frightened of love she threatens to take her life. Yet, her love persuades her to step down.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama, words: 152, 11/16/2005
1My Friend, Victoria This is a poem about friends not getting along. Yet, one friend wants to salvage what they have left.
Poetry: Friendship, K+, English, Drama, words: 99, 11/16/2005
Untitled This poem is about, well, love. It tells a story about a 'dark archangel' who fell inlove with a girl who belonged to darkness. This is my first sylibolic poem I've ever attempted to write (7-7-7-7-8).
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 487, 6/10/2005
1Obsession This was ment to be a personal poem, but I decided to let everyone read this. Its about being away from someone you love, and you miss them so much you feel obsessed.
Poetry: Love, M, English, Poetry, words: 129, 6/8/2005
3Poem to G W Himself This poem expresses my total dislike towards G. W. Bush. So, this is for him... Enjoy- or don't...
Poetry: Politics, M, English, Poetry, words: 126, 5/29/2005
1The Poem to Perfect World This poem was writen with the inspiration of a song called Perfect World. I thank Amy Ray, from the Indigo Girls, who wrote the song that inspired my poem.
Poetry: Nature, K, English, Poetry, words: 145, 5/29/2005
1Heart Cold Torture This poem is about having to leave someone... even while everything is falling apart.
Poetry: Love, T, English, Drama & Poetry, words: 151, 5/26/2005
2Worry This poem expresses the thoughts that goes though ones head when they are worried over someone they love. Does the mind wonder? What are thier emotions? Are they attached beyond reason? How are they when they find out they were panicing for no reason?
Poetry: Love, K+, English, Drama & Poetry, words: 191, 5/22/2005
2Stage Fire I wrote this to identify with my rare but often stage life, and my possible future. Its about telling things about yourself through song; things that you have kept from a lover- or anyone else for that matter.
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Drama, words: 109, 4/26/2005
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