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Rhea Larkin PM
Joined Sep '04

Hiiii, my real name isn't Rhea Larkin, but too bad. Rhea Larkin is pretty, so you'll just have to deal with it. So...so yer face. (Note: do not expect really witty comebacks from me).

In real life, I'm a 19-year-old college sophomore who's majoring (or "concentrating," as they call it at my college) in Creative Writing (or "Literary Arts," as they call it at my college -- yes, my college is special). I think it goes without saying that I love to write, I love to read, and I also love satisfying my inner editor (which is an often-tyrannical combination of the first two).

You could probably figure out my basic interests and personality by looking at my Beta Reader profile...if you're too lazy, then know this: I love to laugh, sing and dance; I love fantasy and romance. I also like to come up with cheesy, awful rhymes, as you might have noticed.

This bio will now come to an abrupt end (unless you continue to read the update below, in which case it will now come to an abrupt segue).


College and work are currently devouring my life, so I cannot in good conscience be active in FP at all, as either a writer or a beta reader. Sorry!

In other distantly related news, I've been plagiarized...someone on has basically copied the entire first chapter of On Air, changing only the names of the characters and the name of the college, in an attempt to pass it off as her own work. Hopefully the FP admins will be able to do something about it. I just warn you that, if you happen to come across my story printed on by the user "jasiele4daviele," know that it's not me. I'm trying to sort things out and get this person to take it down, and to make sure she never does it again with any other story, but in the meantime, I want everyone to know that this is the ONLY place on the Internet where the my original story On Air is published. I am the original author and owner. Just want to make that clear. (Not that I expect to be plagiarized again, but just in case.)

Thanks guys. I'm glad you still like On Air. In hindsight, it's really not realistic at all. I've had a lot more experience now, and if I had the time, I would LOVE to go back and rewrite it so that it made more sense. Unfortunately, I have so little free time these days. Hopefully an edit is in the future, and then, if I get the inspiration, perhaps a sequel. I do miss those characters. Anyway, the conclusion is: I still think it's good for some entertainment, and I hope that people enjoy it! I'd like to make it better, but in the meantime, I apologize for inconsistencies and over-the-top cheesy drama. Enjoy it, nevertheless!

Much love and heart-shaped cookies,

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