Just In
ENelsonOsborn PM
My Stories 20
Instructions A poem about adult films and biology.
Poetry: Life, T, English, words: 172, 9/26/2009
Catching Up A poem about finding self-worth in the midst of a selective group.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 75, 9/26/2009
DAVE A poem about desire, achievement, and motivation.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 111, 9/26/2009
Circle A second poem about missed connections.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Angst, words: 87, 9/26/2009
Broken Toes A poem about change.
Poetry: Life, K, English, words: 59, 9/26/2009
Uncouth Rube A poem about society, pop culture, romance, and my own shortcomings.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Romance, words: 285, 9/26/2009
Broadcast Fire A poem about missed connections and yearning.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Romance & Angst, words: 133, 9/26/2009
Units of Self A poem about sentience and self.
Poetry: Politics, K, English, words: 81, 9/13/2009
Friend Zone Sort of self-explanatory
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance, words: 71, 9/13/2009
Fisherman A short poem about isolation.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Friendship & Angst, words: 42, 9/13/2009
Chemistry Fairly self-explanatory.
Poetry: Love, K, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 96, 9/13/2009
1 A Mirror Facing a Mirror A poem about looking back at myself through my past endeavors.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 126, 6/24/2009
Spring Hang Ups A short poem about spring fever inspired by the jazz standard Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most. Written 5/11/09
Poetry: Love, K, English, Poetry & Romance, words: 44, 6/23/2009
Stones Thrown Alone A poem about my feelings on and about prom night, about what's ahead, and romantic discontent. Written 6/6/09.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Angst & Romance, words: 244, 6/22/2009
1 Wishing for More A poem about my struggle to adequately enjoy life. Somewhat of an homage to Cheap Trick. Written 6/5/09.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Angst, words: 79, favs: 1, 6/22/2009
1 Major de Coverley A poem about the subtle joys of futility. The title is, of course, after the Catch 22 character. Written 5/28/09.
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 51, 6/22/2009
Voices A poem about the absurdity of day to day life. Written 5/26/09
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry & Humor, words: 34, 6/22/2009
1 Three A poem about missing my friend who is in prison. Written 4/30/09.
Poetry: Friendship, K, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, words: 121, 6/22/2009
Omphaloskeptic Introspection or Blank A poem about unshared writing. Written 12/5/08
Poetry: Life, K, English, Poetry, words: 77, 6/22/2009
1 Unload A very short poem about my feelings on a certain private subject. Written 6/28/08.
Poetry: Life, K+, English, Poetry, words: 32, 6/22/2009
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