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Julia D. Castwyth PM
Joined Sep '04

In Memoriam, Julia Deirdre Caswtyth

29 January 1980 - 8 February 2007

Requiescat in pace.

On Wednesday, February 8, 2007, Julia Deirdre Castwyth passed away in Cambridge, UK, at approximately 12 amGMT. She was born there on January 29, 1980. She lived there with her parents until they passed away less than a year apart, in 1992, when she was twelve. She then moved in with an aunt in London, who raised her until she left for college at 17. That year, while studying for a bachelor's degree in the United States, her aunt, too, passed away. After she graduated with a master's at 22, having completed a 3+2 degree program, she returned to her beloved England to continue study at the University of Oxford Medical School. After only two years, she had to put her studies on hold due to ill health. At 25, she returned to her studies, only to drop out completely a year later. Julia had had complicated heart problems all her life, ultimately resulting in the need for a pacemaker, implanted only a few weeks before her 27th birthday. It was this pacemaker that caused her untimely demise. She had recently moved back to her family home in Cambridge, only to be put on 24 hour care. She appeared to be doing well, and the pacemaker was functioning just fine. Then, suddenly, she went into cardiac arrest. The pacemaker should have taken care of it and restarted her heart, but it shorted out, electrocuting her from within. She was rushed to the hospital, but they could do nothing for her. She lived only long enough for a doctor to hear her last words.

Julia will be sorely missed. She deeply touched everyone she knew, however briefly. When she smiled, the world shone new, and anyone around her shared in her joy. She was a talented writer, always taking the time to teach others what she knew, without exception. Regrettably, she passed on before she could complete any of her works.

As per her final requests, all of her work has been removed from the public view. If you still wish to read her works, you may contact Danni, her former protege at karyndannielle@.
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