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My Stories 27
2 A FallBack Remnant: Advent of Municipal Wealth Fun Originally submitted to an Esperanto quarterly publication, this is the English version of my epistle to a North Texas city. The paper briefly dissects statism, before asserting that empowering municipalities can diffuse centralized power.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, words: 915, favs: 1, 6/30/2009
4 Celebrity Speaking Mill Celebrities donate time and money to the causes they care about, and that's honorable. If you agree with that statement, you don't know how speaking arrangements are made!
Fiction: Essay, K, English, Tragedy & Horror, words: 559, updated: 4/23/2007 published: 2/4/2007
Everyone Reads the Same Newspaper This is the first article I wrote for the Choctaw Telegraph. This is about how syndication of content has made all news outlets the same pig slop.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, words: 1k+, 4/23/2007
2Swarm Internet mobs usually just throw feces and take part in letter-writing campaigns, but they could be profitable for "new media" outlets.
Fiction: Essay, K, English, words: 955, 8/27/2006
54Dispatches To My Public » The authentic essay series from the site's most respected author is here. Chapter 10: Repealing zoning laws saves fuel
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, Angst, chapters: 10, words: 10k+, favs: 1, updated: 5/29/2006 published: 11/23/2005
1Startup » The anonymity or security available from a new set of products from a powerful tech startup company alters the security reality of the world. Teenagers cause all the problems, and a tumor gives someone superpowers.
Fiction: Sci-Fi, K+, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 11, words: 20k+, updated: 3/28/2006 published: 1/31/2005
1Diary of a Current War Story » For half a year, I've been writing a fanfiction based on the current Gulf War. In doing so, I've collected some notes on the process. This too is a work in progress.
Fiction: Biography, K, English, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 1, updated: 1/23/2006 published: 3/16/2005
7The Chronicles of LJ Drama » Chapter three: Tools for E-Sleuths. Still rate T for BOOBIES.
Fiction: Essay, T, English, Drama & Drama, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 1, updated: 1/2/2006 published: 11/18/2005
3Dud Zone Finally edited for the Fictionpress format. Has a Mark Twain feel.
Fiction: Sci-Fi, K, English, Humor, words: 4k+, updated: 1/1/2006 published: 10/15/2004
2Monologue of the Vampire First-person monologue of a soulless creator. Kind of erotic, so I may need to bump it to Teen
Fiction: Supernatural, K+, English, Suspense & Supernatural, words: 803, updated: 12/29/2005 published: 6/26/2005
The Book of Merchants The telling of Babylon's capture of Jerusalem circa 500 B.C., as seen by a Hebrew Merchant
Fiction: Historical, K+, English, words: 699, 12/2/2005
2The Life O' Leroy Jackson A member of a Black American Volunteer group fights on WWI's western front
Fiction: Historical, K+, English, Tragedy, words: 1k+, updated: 12/1/2005 published: 11/4/2004
3Transcribing The Truest Typewriter Ribbons » The definitive typewriter retrospective. All the original literary posts of Typewriter Ribbons, my online journal
Fiction: Biography, K+, English, chapters: 4, words: 28k+, updated: 11/5/2005 published: 6/9/2005
2A 4GenWar Journal: Assimilating The Gordian Knot » Future history of the pentagon and a prognosis of the jihadist network's effort to assimilate the world into their sphere.
Fiction: Essay, K+, English, chapters: 2, words: 5k+, updated: 10/6/2005 published: 7/14/2005
17A Disappointing Gonzo Journalist’s Last File » Rated T for Mr. Flames's crude language. You're so vain, you probably think this essay's about you
Fiction: Essay, T, English, Humor, chapters: 3, words: 7k+, favs: 1, updated: 10/4/2005 published: 9/23/2005
3Deus Ex Mechanica » Song compilation. I'm finished on chapter six
Poetry: Song, K, English, chapters: 6, words: 1k+, updated: 9/23/2005 published: 6/16/2005
4Eulogy of A Very Disappointing Author Topical humour. Remembering our late friend and what he taught us. He will be missed.
Fiction: Essay, T, English, Parody & Humor, words: 1k+, 8/26/2005
2El Toro, Crimson Night Bilingual rodeo song about an chemically-enhanced bull. English and Spanish lyrics
Poetry: Song, K, English, Adventure & Drama, words: 226, 6/7/2005
EP for Leftist Causes I'm stealing , , and Songs Against Bush's thunder with Superior firepower with this EP.
Poetry: Politics, K, English, Humor & Parody, words: 842, 5/10/2005
3Spyware and Porn What in my life works as a metaphor for dirt on the soul? Well, I bought my computer second hand. Parody of Springsteen's "Devils and Dust."
Poetry: Song, K+, English, Parody & Spiritual, words: 216, 5/7/2005
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