My Stories 15
6Lovers tiff
maybe love can sometimes be a bit wierd and odd but i think sometimes that might be the best thing if it works for you well not creep exactly you'll see what i mean also this is a song and so it will have repition (eyes it is called a chorus)
Poetry: Song, K, English, words: 223, favs: 1, 4/14/2005
10I wish you didn't exist
about i suppose good things being a pian in the arse
Poetry: General, K, English, Romance, words: 80, 3/18/2005
8Coughing up nude guts
I've had a cough now for three months for three fucking months, have been to the docotr three times and he doesnt know what is wrong why oh why, it is realy starting piss me off now
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 16, favs: 1, 3/18/2005
7Silly old bitch
this is one of ym five tanka that i am desperate to ahve reivewed i decided to sumbt them idnvualty as it might be daunting or look broing if i had five of them on one page please review i will review oyu all in return
Poetry: General, K, English, Poetry, words: 26, favs: 1, 3/4/2005
12Bush's vocabulary lesson
i'm so appy i always wanted to write something with the word bush in the title. this si another tanka please reivew it i wil diefnelty review oyur work and i need to knwo by tuesday thank you so blooody mcuh
Poetry: Politics, K, English, Poetry, words: 32, 3/4/2005
16She's be my dream girl »
this isn't true by the way just in case you were wandering
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, chapters: 2, words: 34, updated: 3/3/2005 published: 2/22/2005
a beautifully average haiku
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 16, favs: 2, 3/2/2005
5Don't Change
About no-one in particular
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 153, 2/25/2005
Ian Dury was a genius
Poetry: Song, K, English, words: 201, 2/25/2005
4The goodbye to end all goodbyes
i know it is crap but it i wrote it when i was sixteen and i have an awful urge in me to share it, if anyone is sad enough to review ir please be gentle iwth me
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 65, 2/22/2005
4Tonights beer money
i took my 3 whole days to write this
Poetry: Haiku, K, English, words: 16, 2/22/2005
4Celebrity Lion Taming
the world being a better place
Poetry: General, K, English, words: 116, favs: 1, 2/14/2005